A Series of Q&A's with Sonoran Community Members

Visualize a community where there is a shared passion and purpose dedicated to the study and celebration of evidence-based holistic health and healing. It looks pretty good, doesn’t it? In just a second, you’ll get to know a few of the many Sonoran community members that contribute to that shared passion and purpose for naturopathic medicine.

Professor of Naturopathic Medicine and Chair, Department of Botanical Medicine, Patricia Gaines, ND, RH (AHG)

Sonoran | Patricia Gaines

Question: When you first arrived at Sonoran what stood out to you the most? 

Dr. Gaines: The welcoming energy of the residents, faculty and administration was the first thing that stood out to me when Istarted working at Sonoran. I didn’t know anyone at Sonoran or in AZ when I started my residency and the people at the school really make me feel welcome and became my support system. Also, the desert is beautiful and there are lots of opportunities to be in nature and appreciate the diversity of plants that grow here. 

Question: In the spirit of Docere, how do you teach to improve the ways you were taught? 

Dr. Gaines: I try to engage students and focus on the main outcomes, which in botanical medicine has to do with application of plants in a clinical setting. Although we teach plants individually, most often students will be creating complex formulas to address both the condition and constitution of the patient. In my class and clinical rotation we work through cases in order to practice formulating. At Sonoran most of the clinical faculty also teach, which reinforces material students learn and helps students transition from the classroom to the clinic.  

Question: Why would you recommend Sonoran to someone interested in a naturopathic medical degree? 

Dr. Gaines: I would definitely recommend Sonoran to a student considering attending naturopathic school. Sonoran is a school dedicated to innovation and is constantly working to improve and find solutions to challenges, both in healthcare and education.  

Question: What drew you to Sonoran?

Dr. Gaines: I was hired by Sonoran as a first-year resident after graduating from Bastyr University. I stayed at Sonoran due to the opportunity to learn and work with experienced NDs. The residency was a great experience for me and opened doors for other opportunities within the school and the profession.

Question: How would you describe Sonoran if you were only given three words to do so? 

Dr. Gaines: Community, innovation, and excellence.

Learn more about Dr. Gaines

Associate Dean of Clinical Education, Joseph Vazquez, ND, MS

Question: Talking from your experience, what can a student expect from clinical education at Sonoran?

Dr. Vazquez: The clinical education component of the ND program at Sonoran is designed to best prepare the student for real world applications in the healthcare field.  Assessments of the student’s progress are constant and constructive, with expectations equally of high standard, while always guiding and supporting the student throughout the process.  I like to think of it as the three A’s: Advance, Assist and Apply.

Question: When you first arrived at Sonoran what stood out about the culture?

Dr. Vazquez: The culture of Sonoran is notable welcoming and collaborative.  I was and continue to be fascinated by the levels of involvement and creativity implemented by all members of the Sonoran community, from students to faculty, staff and administration.  All members have a common desire to advance Sonoran in a positive direction.

Question: What was it like to uproot your family and move to Sonoran?

Dr. Vazquez: This move was the largest and longest for my family, but extremely exciting and memorable.  Driving from Chicago and watching the landscape change was remarkable.  We were equally welcomed by members of our neighborhood community just like we were by Sonoran.  Whether coincidence or note, we have had nothing but great experiences in our short time here!

Question: What do you see the opportunity at Sonoran being?

Dr. Vazquez: Sonoran is full of opportunities to advance and evolve with communal support.  Community members support one another to achieve the best and in so doing, advance Sonoran into a position of positive development.  Whether a student receiving one of the best naturopathic medical education the country has to offer, or an administrator developing new ways to expand and grow the program, Sonoran will nurture any type of action that leads to growth.

Question: How would you describe Sonoran if you were only given three words to do so?

Dr. Vazquez: Advancing, accepting, and cutting-edge.

Learn more about Dr. Vazquez