Botanical Research and Student Engagement Department presents Food As Medicine with Marc Williams
Food as medicine is a concept that is rooted in the healing systems of Ancient Africa, Greece, China, India, and others. It is well known that various compounds such as antioxidants and bitters are helpful in promoting overall health and well-being. Classes of plants, such as adaptogens, make up a large part of the current superfood trends in our society. Marc Williams will present an overview of plants that represent prime examples of how food can be medicine, as well as some fascinating stories of how these plants and humans have interacted over time.
Ethnobiologist Marc Williams has taught hundreds of classes to thousands of people about plants, humans, other life forms and their interface. His training includes a B.A. in Environmental Studies/Sustainable Agriculture from Warren Wilson College with a minor in Business and a M.A. in Appalachian Studies/Sustainable Development from Appalachian State University with a minor in Planning/Geography. He has spent over 20 years working at various restaurants, farms, and travels throughout 30 countries in Central/North/South America, Europe and all 50 states in the USA. More information can be found at and