Join us for this Discovery Chat to learn about life as a naturopathic medical school student! You will have the...
Presented by Amy Whittington, NMD. Dr. Whittington graduated with honors from the University of Kansas in 1998. In 2003, she...
The Student Engagement Office invites you to Sound Healing: Basic Instruction and Mini-Session with Kemet All programs and Sonoran community...
Presented by Dr. Kaplan, NMD. Dr. Kaplan earned his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. He...
Online Academics At Sonoran Come join us while our Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Garrett Thompson, speaks to you...
How do Careers for ND’s differ from Careers for MD’s/DO’s? In this chat, Sarah and Deb from Admissions will speak...
The Student Engagement Office invites you to a live cooking demonstration with Chef Maria Parra Cano of Sana Sana Foods...
Online Instruction: Engaging with Faculty - Keys to your Academic Success Come join us as our Basic Science Faculty member...
Smoothie Social Hour - Sonoran Research Come join us while our Director of Research, Dr. Jeffrey Langland, speaks to you...
Virtual Discovery Chat - Learn about our new Ric Scalzo Institute for Botanical Research with Dr. Keely Puchalski Join us...
Welcome to Virtual Research Night 2021 - Sonoran's premiere event showcasing the latest discoveries in evidence-based botanical medicine. (CE credits available)
Please join the American Heart Association and Sonoran Phoenix Heart Walk - Digital Experience Walk Wherever You Are For more...