Four Distinct

Honors Tracks

Community Health • Nature Cure • Pediatrics • Regenerative Medicine

Designed for students who want a focus, Sonoran University’s community health, nature cure, pediatrics and regenerative medicine tracks are designed for students who are looking to have an emphasis in a particular area of naturopathic medicine.

Each track is exclusive and centered around the student’s professional and educational development. Students are given preferential student clinical rotations, more hands-on clinical hours and mentorship from doctors.

When it comes to post-grad preparation, these focused areas of clinical education can help elevate student’s resumes and portfolios. They also help position students for competitive post-graduate opportunities and residencies.

Each honors track is granted through application only. Applications are due at the end of the third week of quarter 11 and begin in quarter 12 of the program.

Are you a current student interested in the Honors Tracks?