Student Consumer Information

The following provides prospective students, current students and community members with information, facts and figures about Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, now Sonoran University of Health Sciences. Privacy, right-to-know, student retention, program completion, career statistics and crime statistics, special services for disabled students, and other institutional information can be found through the links below. For questions regarding this information or to provide a paper copy of this information, please contact the Vice President of Student Affairs office at 480-858-9100.

Academic Programs & Faculty

Articulation Agreements & Partnerships

Sonoran University is proud to partner with the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health (MEZCOPH) at University of Arizona and the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture (PIHMA). Through these partnership agreements, students may be concurrently enrolled at Sonoran and either institution for additional degree completion.

Disability Services for Students & Applicants

Sonoran University welcomes applications from students from all backgrounds and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, social-economic background, religion, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, age, disability, veteran status, nationality, thinking styles and life experiences.

Sonoran University’s Accessibility Office serves prospective and current students in reaching their educational goals.  Sonoran University supports and adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is University’s policy not to discriminate against any qualified student or applicant with regard to any terms or conditions because of such individual’s disability or perceived disability, so long as the student can perform the essential functions of the program (see Technical Standards p. 10). Consistent with this policy, the University will provides accommodations to individuals with disabilities, as defined by the ADA, that have made Sonoran University aware of their disability, provided that such accommodation does not constitute an undue hardship to the University.

A request for accommodations must be submitted to the Accessibility Office at after offer of admission and prior to matriculation.

Accessibility Services are housed within the Dean of Students Office. Should a student require advice, assistance, or information, please contact the Dean of Students in a timely a manner in order to ensure necessary provisions are put in place. Students will be required to provide substantive evidence of a disability or need.

Should a student, after following University’s procedures, believe that the University is not fulfilling its responsibilities under the ADA or other Acts, the student should contact the Accessibility Office at for further advice and assistance.

For more information on requesting accommodations please see MySonoran and the Sonoran University Student Handbook.

Diversity & Student Body

Sonoran University student diversity as reported in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).

Sonoran IPEDS DATAEnrolled% Enrolled
American Indian or Alaska Native21%
Black or African American4712%
Hispanic Latino4612%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander11%
Two or More Races184%
Unknown Race/Ethnicity123%
Nonresident Alien123%

Data based upon Institutional IPEDS Reporting. Report period is from July 1 to June 30 of the previous academic year.

Career Data

Sonoran University’s Career Services Office provides students and alumni with resources, assistance, and guidance in their career development and search. Sonoran University does not guarantee employment or job placement upon completion of the program. The Career Services Office collects data on career outcomes rates through annual student and new graduate surveys, as well as other sources (e.g., employers, websites). Pregraduation and postgraduation career outcomes rates are listed below.

To align with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Standards and Protocols for Collecting Graduate Outcomes (Advanced Degrees), as of January 2024 Sonoran University’s Career Services Office has decided to employ the following terms to report career data: knowledge rate and career outcomes rate will replace response rate and employment rate, respectively. As defined by NACE, knowledge rate is the percentage of graduates for which you have obtained reasonable, verifiable information concerning their career status. Career outcomes rate is calculated by dividing the number of graduates who are employed full-time/part-time in a related field or continuing their education in a degree-seeking program divided by the number of graduates with verifiable information. Note, those who were enrolled in continuing education account for 10% or less.



ND Career Data06/202406/202306/202206/202106/202006/2019
Pregraduation Career Outcomes Rate* 73%62%60%49%46%58%
Postgraduation (6-month) Career Outcomes Rate* TBA91% (90% Knowledge Rate)88% (74% Knowledge Rate)88% (78% Knowledge Rate)85%79%

NDs are regulated in the state of Arizona. For information regarding relevant licensing requirements in Arizona, visit the Arizona Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board.


MSCN Career Data06/202312/202206/202212/2021
Postgraduation (8-month) Career Outcomes Rate* 74% (81% Knowledge Rate)82% (62% Knowledge Rate)83% (77% Knowledge Rate)91% (82% Knowledge Rate)

*MSCN pregraduation career outcomes rates are not reported since the majority of MSCN students are employed during the program. Postgraduation career data are collected 8 months after graduation due to timing of the Certified Nutrition Specialist® exam.

Enrollment & Graduation Data

The federal government, under Student Right-to-Know (SRTK) legislation, requires that all colleges and universities report the number of students who began their studies full-time and who complete programs within 150% of the normal time required for completion. *Sonoran does not provide disaggregate retention or graduation/completion rates by demographic if Sonoran enrolled too few of such students to disclose or report with confidence and confidentiality.

1st-year to second-year retention (percent of matriculated students enrolled as of their fifth quarter)

  • ND Graduation rate (five-year cohort) – 70%
  • MSCN Graduation rate (two-year cohort) – 69%
  • MSNBL Graduation rate (two-year cohort) – 100%

ND Program

Matriculating Returning for 2nd Yr Grad within 100%Grad within 125%Grad within 150%
Winter 2013 92% 53% 67% 69%
Fall 2013 85% 64% 67% 67%
Winter 2014 84% 55% 61%61%
Fall 201489% 54%70%78%
Spring 201578% 41%59%65%
Fall 201584%42%52%57%
Spring 201694%44%56%71%
Fall 201685%32%61%67%
Spring 2017* 74% 32%45%55%
Fall 2017* 90% 29%52%62%
Spring 2018* 85% 31%42%50%
Fall 2018* 89% 38%68%68%
Spring 2019*79%25%42%42%
Fall 2019*93%32%----
Spring 2020*81% -- -- --
Fall 2020*84% -- -- --
Spring 2021*56% -- -- --
Fall 2021*76% -- -- --
Spring 2022*83%
Fall 2022*90%

*Cohorts with students still enrolled/making progress toward graduation. Includes students in 5-yr ND program.

MSCN Program

Matriculating Returning for 2nd Yr Grad within 100%Grad within 150%Grad within 200%
Spring 202073%64%73%73%
Fall 2020*85%65%77% 77%
Spring 2021*73%62%67%67%
Fall 2021*71%45%----
Spring 2022*81%------
Fall 2022*54%

MSNBL Program

MatriculatingReturning for 2nd YearGrad within 100%Grad within 150%Grad within 200%
Fall 2021100%100%100%100%
Fall 2022*50%

*Cohorts with students still enrolled/making progress toward graduation.


Additional Information

The Sonoran University campus is housed on 8.5 acres. Campus facilities include classrooms/labs of various sizes, a cadaver lab, a library, and administrative offices serving approximately 400 students and 200 full- and part-time staff and faculty members. In addition, there are clinics, a laboratory, and a medicinary providing nutrition and naturopathic medical care to more than 14,000 patients and clients annually. The campus is a fragrance-free facility.

Academic Building (AB):
28,000 sq. ft.
2140 E. Broadway Road, Tempe, AZ 85282

Lim Commons (LC):
47,900 sq. ft.
2152 E. Broadway Road, Tempe, AZ 85282

Medical Center/Administration Building (MC):
42,000 sq. ft.
2164 E. Broadway Road, Tempe, AZ 85282

This federal law is designed to protect the confidentiality of the student’s educational records. The Act affords the student certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights ensure that eligible students have access to their educational records for inspection and review and to request amendment if the student believes they are inaccurate or in violation of the student’s privacy. Further, this law protects the rights of a student to privacy by limiting access by others to education records without express written consent of the student and the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Sonoran University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

Sonoran University may release information from an education record without the consent of the student to officials of another college or university where the student seeks or intends to enroll, as permitted by FERPA §99.31 (a)(2).

Sonoran University may release information from an education record without the consent of the student to another educational institution in which the student is enrolled. For example, Sonoran University may release academic records for a “dual enrollment” without prior written consent of the student (FERPA §99.34 (b)).

Sonoran University may disclose information from an education record without the consent of the student if the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals (FERPA §99.36). Student records are open to other school officials, including faculty and administration, and local and state education agencies that have been determined to have a legitimate educational interest, including those specified by the Act as amended January 3, 2012.

Students have the right to review and inspect their education records, including their application, except for confidential recommendations. Photo identification must be presented before access to education records will be permitted. An appointment must be made with the Registrar’s Office to access an education record.

Directory Information
Sonoran University may release information that has been defined under the Directory Information Provision of FERPA. Sonoran defines directory information as name, address, photo/photo-ID, phone number, e-mail address, dates of attendance, program of study, degree conferral date, enrollment status, grade level, previous educational institutions attended, and degrees/awards earned. Forms are available at the Welcome & Enrollment Center or the Registrar’s Office for a student to request that Sonoran withhold all directory information.

Proper Disclosure
Student information of a private, personal, or confidential nature that is provided to Sonoran University faculty and staff will not be disclosed improperly. Faculty are expected to provide accurate evaluations of students. For the purposes of monitoring and recording student progress, evaluations include the strengths and weaknesses of academic, clinical, communication, and professional skills. The evaluations also include observations and opinions regarding academic effort and professional conduct. Although not required, faculty and staff may provide judgments of a student’s abilities and character to others in appropriate circumstances in accordance with the Sonoran University policy on student records.


  • Judicial subpoena of records, upon condition that the college makes a reasonable effort to notify the student in advance of release of records
  • Emergency situations, if knowledge of personal information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other person(s)
  • Military requests (Solomon Amendment)
  • Student Clearinghouse Submissions

For more information regarding student FERPA rights, students should contact the Registrar’s Office.

Student ID Numbers (SID) / Social Security Number (SSN) / Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
Student identification numbers are used in college transactions. Students are assigned individual student identification numbers (SID numbers) for use in college transactions such as web-based services and other student services. To comply with federal laws, the colleges are required to ask for the student’s Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

Colleges use the SSN / ITIN to report American Opportunity Tax Credit / Lifetime Learning tax credit, to administer state-federal financial aid, to verify enrollment, degree and academic transcript records, and to conduct institutional research. Pursuant to state law (RCW 28B.10.042) and federal law (Family Rights and Privacy Act), the college will protect the student’s SSN from unauthorized use and/or disclosure.

If a student does not submit a SSN / ITIN, the student will not be denied access to the college; however, the student may be subject to civil penalties (refer to Internal Revenue Service Treasury Regulation 1.6050S-1(e)(4) for more information).

Sonoran University has a procedure to resolve informal and formal grievances and concerns that students may have about the implementation of the policies and procedures that govern the institution. The college community benefits from prompt resolution of issues. The Student Grievance Procedure will be followed only in cases where there is not a procedure governing a specific policy. See the Student Handbook located here.

For out of state distance education students, please see the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) Complaints Process tab at the bottom of the page.

Informal Grievance Process
Students must first utilize the informal process in an effort to resolve a grievance. The student must initiate the informal process according to the procedures set forth in this Informal Grievance Process, within five days after the student receives notice or otherwise knows of the action, decision, or receipt of course grade, which is the basis for the grievance.

1. Discussion with Faculty, Staff or Administrator

Within five days after the student knows the basis for a grievance, the student must discuss the problem with the individual that the student has the grievance against.

2. Discussion with Chair or Supervisor

If a satisfactory resolution is not reached with the individual, the student must request in writing a meeting with the Chair of the Department, Dean of Instruction, Chief Academic Officer, or direct supervisor of the staff member within five working days after the student determines that the grievance cannot be resolved with the person. The Chair, Dean of Instruction, Chief Academic Officer, or supervisor shall meet with the student within seven days after receipt of the request. The Chair, Dean of Instruction, Chief Academic Officer, or supervisor may then elect to meet with the student and person together or separately in an effort to resolve the grievance.

3. Discussion with Reporting Official

If a satisfactory resolution through the Chair, Dean of Instruction, Chief Academic Officer, or supervisor is not achieved, the student must request in writing a meeting with the appropriate reporting official within five (5) days after the student determines the grievance cannot be resolved. The reporting official will meet with the student within five (5) days after receipt of the request.

If the reporting official is unable to resolve the grievance between the student and the person, he/she will provide a written statement to the student stating that the grievance was not resolved through the informal grievance process.

Formal Grievance Process
In the event the grievance is not resolved through the informal process, the student may proceed with a formal grievance. A formal grievance must be filed online utilizing the Sonoran University Comment/Grievance Form found on MySonoran. Deviations from the following outlined timeline and/or procedures may occur on occasion and will not invalidate a decision or proceeding – this process not to exceed forty-five (45) business days.

1. Filing of Grievance

Within five (5) business days after receiving a statement from the reporting official that the grievance was not resolved informally, the student must complete the Comment/Grievance Form found on MySonoran. Upon submission, the form will be forwarded to the Dean of Students and an ad-hoc committee will be developed to appropriately handle the grievance. The decision of this ad hoc committee is final. The grievance form must include a description of the specific events, actions, faculty, student, staff or administrator, course and grade (if applicable), relating to the grievance and the resolution the student is seeking.

2. Receipt of Grievance

Within 10 business days of receipt of the grievance, the ad-hoc committee chair will do the following:

a. Appoint members of the committee, including one student member, to act as a hearing panel to process the grievance;

b. Designate at least one faculty member on the hearing panel to chair the panel for the grievance;

c. Forward the grievance to the panel chair for processing.

3. Grievance to Person

Within seven business days after receiving the grievance, the Hearing Panel Chair will forward a copy of the grievance to the person against whom the grievance is filed and request the person to file five copies of a written response to the committee within five days after receiving a copy of the grievance.

4. Response of Person

Within 5 business days after receiving the person’s response to the grievance, the committee will forward copies of the grievance and response to the student and to the other members of the panel.

5. Hearing

The panel will schedule a hearing, which may consist of one or more meetings with the student and the person who has the grievance filed against them, to hear both parties respectively, related to the grievance. The first meeting will be scheduled no later than 30 days after the panel chair received the grievance.

6. Conflict of Interest or Bias

If either party believes a member of the hearing panel should not participate, based on perceived or actual bias or conflict of interest, they may request, in writing, that the panel member be excused and the Chair of the Committee can, if the conflict appears to generate bias, appoint another member of the Committee to serve on the panel to hear the grievance. If a designated Committee panel member believes he or she has a bias or conflict of interest which would negatively impact their ability to decide the grievance fairly, the panel member will excuse him or herself, notify the chair of the Committee, and the chair will appoint a new panel member.

7. Documents

Both parties may provide documents to the committee for review and consideration. If provided, five copies of the documents must be provided to the chair at least seven days before the first scheduled date of the hearing. However, the committee will advise the parties that they will only consider documents that specifically relate to the grievance and the response. The panel chair will retain one set of documents and forward the other sets to the other members at least five days before the hearing.

For more information on the hearing process, please see the Student Handbook.

Complaints to the Higher Learning Commission
The Commission has established a clear distinction between individual grievances and complaints that appear to involve broad institutional practices. Where a complaint does raise issues regarding the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Criteria of Accreditation, the Commission forwards the complaint to the institution and requests a formal response. HLC Contact information:

Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500
Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411
Phone: (312) 263-0456
Fax: (312) 263-7462

For more information on how to file a complaint with the HLC contact:

Complaints to the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education
The Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education (“State Board”) is responsible for the licensing and regulation of private postsecondary educational institutions operating in Arizona.

To file a complaint on the State board’s website visit Note that the policy provides that a student who wishes to file a complaint with the department must first exhaust all available grievance procedures established by the institution, Arizona Administrative Code Rule R4-39-403.

Complaints to the Office of Civil Rights, Disability Basis
Any individual who believes that he or she or a specific individual or class of individuals has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability, may file a complaint with the Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (OCR). Complaints must be filed within 180 days from the date of the alleged discrimination. For more information on how to file a complaint and the complaint process visit the OCR website at

Department of Health and Human Services
Office for Civil Rights
(800) 368-1019 (Voice)
(800) 537-7697 (TDD)

Complaints to the Department of Education, Title IX Basis
U.S. Department of Education
(OCR National Headquarters)
Office for Civil Rights
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
(800) 421-3481 (Voice)
(202) 453-6012 (Fax)
(800) 877-8339 (TDD)

For more information on how to file a complaint of discrimination with OCR, visit

Nothing in this disclosure should be construed to limit any right that you may have to take civil or criminal legal action to resolve your complaints. Sonoran University has provided this disclosure to you in compliance with the requirements of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, as regulated in CFR 34, Sections 600.9(b)(3) and 668.43(b). If anything in this disclosure is out of date, please notify Sonoran University, Dean of Students’ Office. This disclosure was last revised on 09/26/22 to switch the University name only.

Immunization Requirements

Sonoran is committed to protecting the health and well-being of our students and patients. Because Sonoran and naturopathic medicine play an increased role in the delivery of integrative healthcare through multiple partnerships with hospitals, clinics and treatment centers, our ND students are required to provide proof of immunity or testing for various diseases.

Required Proof of Immunity:  Prior to enrollment, all incoming ND students must provide sufficient documentation regarding immunity to Measles (Rubeola), Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B.

Click to View Current Immunization/Vaccine Policies

Process for Submitting Proof of Immunizations/Lab Work:

Sonoran has contracted with Banner Desert Occupational Health Clinic in Chandler and Gilbert locations to complete all immunizations. Incoming Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) students should send proof of immunization or titer testing results to no later than the end of the first quarter.

To apply for religious or medical exemption requests, please contact the Dean of Students Office at (480) 222-9237 or email

Drug Testing in First Quarter of the Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) Program:

As part of the first quarter Introduction to Clinical Practice I & Clinical Skills Lab (CLPR), ND students are required to complete a drug test. Additional information is available in the CLPR syllabus. Please note that drug testing cannot be completed in advance of the quarter. The clinical coordinator will assist in coordinating the drug test at a local testing facility. There is no fee for the drug test.

Sonoran University does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, social-economic background, religion, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, age, disability, veteran status, nationality, thinking styles or life experiences in the administration of educational policies, admission policies, financial aid, employment or any other program or activity.

Click Here to View All Policies

Types of Withdrawals

Administrative Withdrawal
Sonoran is required to verify the enrollment and participation of students who participate in Federal Title IV student aid programs and/or who receive educational benefits through alternate funding sources. Students may be administratively withdrawn from the college under the following circumstances:

Failure to pay tuition and fees for the prescribed program of study by the published deadline.
Students who do not return to active enrollment at the end of the granted leave and need to reapply if they wish to return at some future date.
Failure to register for courses by the end of the add/drop period for the prescribed program of study of any quarter unless on an approved leave of absence.

Complete Withdrawal
Complete withdrawal is defined as completely withdrawing from all classes (including a leave of absence). In the case of a complete withdrawal, the following tuition refunds apply, and are dependent upon the withdrawal date.

For calculation purposes, the date of complete withdrawal for 11- or 12-week courses is the date the student provides a formal written notice to the Registrar’s Office, an Academic Advisor, or the Dean of Students Office of the intent to withdraw. In the case of a student who fails to notify the University of intent to withdraw, the date that is the midpoint of the term or the student’s last documented date of an academically related activity will be considered the withdrawal date, whichever is the longest time period.

Courses that are taught in session (courses that do not span an 11- or 12-week term) will be considered as stand-alone courses for the purpose of withdrawal and refunds. Refunds are determined based on the last date of attendance in relation to the course’s official start date. A withdrawal exception is considered for courses offered in 6-week sessions if the following applies:

  1. A student successfully completes one module that includes 49 percent or more of the number of days in the payment period, excluding scheduled breaks of five or more consecutive days and all days between modules.
  2. A student successfully completes a combination of modules that cumulatively contain 49 percent or more of the number of days in the payment period, excluding scheduled breaks of five or more consecutive days and all days between modules.
  3. A student successfully completes coursework equal to or greater than the coursework required for the institution’s definition of a half-time student under 34 CFR 668.2(b) for the payment period.

Withdrawal Refund Calculations by Date

  • Complete withdrawal before the start of the term: 100% tuition and fees with the exception of non-refundable fees as noted in tuition and fee schedule.
  • Complete withdrawal after the start of the session/term and before 49% for courses offered in 6-week sessions or before 60% completion for courses offered in the 11-or 12-week term: % of tuition and refundable fees charged will be based on the federal guidelines formula as shown below. All other fees, as noted in the tuition and fee schedule, are not refundable,
  • After the applicable 49% or 60% completion point of the session/term: 0% tuition and fees refunded.

For consistency purposes, Sonoran applies the same federal guidelines for prorate refunds to all student refund calculations as those applied to students receiving federal financial aid. The federal guidelines for financial aid refunds are determined on the basis of the student’s withdrawal date and the length of the session. The length of the session is calculated from the first day of instruction through final exams of the registered session(s) and excludes any breaks of five days or more.

Federal Formula
A. Refund Rate = Calendar days completed in the period of enrollment ÷ total calendar days in the period of enrollment

B. Refund Amount = Tuition charges for the period of enrollment X the percentage of unearned Title IV aid

This calculation determines the percentage of federal funds that have been earned by the student at the time of withdrawal and the amount of unearned funds that must be returned to the federal program. For more information, see the financial aid web page on the Sonoran web site, or consult the Financial Aid Office at

Types of Leave of Absence

Administrative Leave of Absence
The Administrative Leave of Absence (ALOA) policy assists and supports students who are unable to progress in their prescribed program of study due to failure of a required course by streamlining the leave of absence process. Students will receive an official notification of the ALOA from the Registrar’s Office. The general policies for a student on an LOA included above typically apply to a student on ALOA and are also included in detail in the Student Handbook.

Medical Leave of Absence
A medical/compassionate withdrawal request may be submitted to the Academic Progress Committee through the Office of the Dean of Students. Requests are considered in cases in which serious illness/injury or extreme personal circumstances beyond the student’s control prevents a student from continuing his/her classes and an incomplete or other arrangement with the faculty member is not possible. Applications for medical withdrawal require documentation. A student who receives an incomplete for any course has one calendar year or four consecutive quarters to complete the outstanding work and receive a grade before the “I” is changed to a “WD.”

Military Leave of Absence
Students withdrawing for military deployment must attach a copy of the military order to the withdrawal form. Grades of WD for withdrawal are recorded on the official academic record; these grades are non-penalizing. All tuition and fees paid by the student for the quarter from which the student is withdrawing will be refunded at a rate of 100%. If the student is withdrawing after the 70% completion point (excluding intensives) and was granted approved incompletes by the faculty member, the student is not eligible for tuition refund. The student has one calendar year or four consecutive quarters to complete the outstanding work and receive a grade before the “I” changes to a “WD.”

Personal Leave of Absence
Students who are temporarily unable to continue their program of study for personal reasons may request an LOA for a specific period of time not to exceed two consecutive quarters in a 12-month period. Students on a personal LOA that exceeds two quarters must request an extension from APPC or they may be officially withdrawn.

Students are expected to attend all classes, laboratories, and clinical clerkships. It is the faculty member’s prerogative to determine attendance requirements for lecture sessions. Attendance requirements are stated in the course syllabus. Attendance at laboratories and clinical clerkships is mandatory.

Attendance for online distance education courses is determined by active participation within a distance-learning course such as submitting an assignment or exam, attending an online chat, or posting to a discussion forum. Simply logging into the course is not considered participation. While some online courses may allow course access prior to the start of the quarter, including course information and course syllabi, courses do not officially begin until the term/quarter start date. Prior to the term start date, faculty are not in the course, do not perform assessments, or grade assignments. Submission of assessments and/or assignments prior to the start of the quarter will not be counted towards attendance. Class participation by the end of the fourth day of the course is required to verify attendance and to release financial aid, if applicable. Students who do not maintain active participation in a distance-learning course, as outlined in the syllabus, are encouraged to withdraw from the course to avoid failure of the course. (See Sonoran University Course Catalog.)

Students receiving Title IV financial assistance, including assistance from the Veterans Administration (VA), are responsible for meeting VA and/or applicable federal aid attendance requirements.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress
Sonoran University is committed to excellence in educational quality and learning outcomes by providing a supportive academic environment to students. To help Sonoran University and students identify if a student is making progress toward the completion of their degree, the University sets standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Federal regulations require Sonoran University to establish specific standards for measuring SAP for students receiving financial aid, which includes a quantitative measure (credit hours completed) as well as a qualitative measure (grade point average).

Satisfactory Academic Progress describes a student’s successful completion of coursework toward a degree.  Sonoran University monitors students’ satisfactory academic progress at the end of each quarter with the calculation of a term grade point average and a cumulative grade point average (GPA) for enrolled students. A student’s academic standing is based on the cumulative GPA and cumulative earned credits.

To meet Satisfactory Academic Progress at Sonoran University, students must:

  • Successfully complete (earn) a cumulative number of required credits by the end of every calendar year.
  • Maintain a minimum career GPA.

Failure to maintain either of these requirements will result in a student being placed on academic probation and/or being academically dismissed.

At Risk for Unsatisfactory Academic Progress
Sonoran University students have the responsibility to recognize when they are experiencing academic difficulties and to initiate requests for assistance. Students are encouraged to seek assistance from their faculty members and the Sonoran University Student Success Center. When a student’s course attendance, demonstrated competence, and/or rate of academic progress indicates he or she is not succeeding in a course, the faculty member may discuss the situation with the student and report the student’s concerns to the Dean of Students. The Dean will then connect the student with the appropriate resources to support his/her success. These may include, but are not limited to, support from peer mentors, advisors, tutoring services, and counseling.

Academic Warning

Academic Warning is a reflection of a student’s academic standing. Academic Warning is assigned as an alert when the student is not making sufficient progress toward completion of the degree and a signal that intervention, in the form of an academic development plan, is required.

First Academic Warning (Academic Warning I)

A student is subject to Academic Warning I if any of the following occur:

  • The student does not achieve the required program minimum cumulative GPA standard (2.1 ND/3.0 MS), or
  • The student fails one or more clerkships (CLTR course) during a quarter at Sonoran University (ND program only).

Students placed on Academic Warning I will receive notification from the Registrar’s Office, along with a notation on their transcript, and will be required to meet with Academic Advising to complete an academic development plan intended to support improved performance. Students are encouraged to engage with all available support resources (e.g., Learning Specialist, and mental health professionals) to obtain additional assistance. Students placed on Academic Warning I will continue in this status unless they meet the requirements for restoring good academic standing.

A student whose cumulative GPA (CGPA) projections shows an inability to recover from a low CPGA in subsequent terms by the projected graduation date may be subject to dismissal.

Second Academic Warning (Academic Warning II)

Students are placed on Academic Warning II if any of the following occur:

  • The student does not achieve the required program minimum cumulative GPA standard (2.1 ND/3.0 MS) while on Academic Warning I, or
  • The student fails one or more clerkships (CLTR course) during a quarter at Sonoran University (ND program only) while on Academic Warning I.

Students placed on Academic Warning II will receive notification from the Registrar’s Office, along with a notation on their transcript, and will be required to meet with the Academic Advisor to update their academic development plan intended to support improved performance.  Students are encouraged to engage with all available support resources (e.g., Learning Specialist, and mental health professionals) to obtain additional assistance.  Students placed on Academic Warning II will continue in this status unless they meet the requirements for restoring good academic standing.

A student whose cumulative GPA (CGPA) projections shows an inability to recover from a low CPGA in subsequent terms by the projected graduation date may be subject to dismissal.

Students on Academic Warning I or II who are unable to continue in their prescribed program of study, may be placed on an Administrative Leave of Absence (ALOA) and, therefore may not be eligible for financial aid. The student may be eligible to reenter their prescribed program of study as determined by academic advising and Sonoran University’s ALOA policy as outlined in the catalog.

Academic Restoration

To clear an Academic Warning and restore good academic standing, a student on Academic Warning must meet the following requirements for each level of academic warning to be reduced by one level.

  • Earn a minimum cumulative GPA for two consecutive terms.
    • ND students must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.1
    • MS students must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0

The Advising Office can help students understand the impact and consequences of earned and future grades on their cumulative GPA.

Academic Dismissal
Students who are demonstrating unsatisfactory academic progress or are unable to meet the Technical Standards of Admission (if applicable) for their prescribed program of study will be subject to dismissal. A student will be subject to dismissal if:

  • The student does not achieve the required program minimum cumulative GPA standard (2.1 ND/3.0 MS) while on Academic Warning II, or
  • The student fails one or more clerkships (CLTR course) during a quarter at Sonoran University (ND program only) while on Academic Warning II, or
  • The student’s projected program completion exceeds the program’s maximum completion time, or
  • The student fails the same course for the second time during any portion of their enrollment at Sonoran University (a course includes any didactic course or clinical clerkship in the prescribed program of study), or
  • The student fails to meet the Technical Standards of Admission (if applicable) for a prescribed program of study.

Should, despite reasonable accommodation (whether the student chooses to use the accommodation or not), a student’s existing or acquired disability interfere with patient or peer safety or otherwise impede the ability to meet the Technical Standards for their program and advance to graduation, the student may withdraw or be subject to academic dismissal from the program.

At any time in the program, Sonoran University reserves the right to dismiss a student when his/her academic record is deemed unsatisfactory. Likewise, a student whose total record shows considerable ability and marked improvement may be given special consideration.

Students may be subject to disciplinary actions, including suspension and dismissal, for failure to follow the Code of Student Professional Conduct and Academic Honor policies as outlined in the Student Handbook (see Sonoran University Student Handbook).

Students who have been dismissed will receive official notification from the Registrar’s Office. The dismissal notification will outline the student’s rights to an appeal. If a student is re-instated on a dismissal appeal, they are ineligible for academic restoration as outlined in this policy and must meet the requirements outlined in their reinstatement letter.

Academic dismissal from a degree program does not preclude the student from admission to another degree program at Sonoran University. All academic records from the program from which a student was dismissed are reviewed to inform admission decisions.

Dismissal Appeal Process
The student will be informed that they have five (5) business days in which to request an appeal to the APPC regarding dismissal. The student an appropriate program dean will receive written notification from the Dean of Students regarding the outcome of the appeal.

If the dismissal is upheld, the student then has five (5) business days from the date the dismissal was upheld by APPC to appeal in writing to the appropriate program dean, whose decision is final. A student may not enroll in or attend any courses in that program and may not participate in any of that program’s sponsored activities while the Dismissal Appeal process is pending. Additionally, they may be barred from Sonoran University’s property unless pre-approved permission is provided by the Dean of Students to attend meetings and/or hearings in person.

Students who have been dismissed from an academic program will not be readmitted to that program under any circumstances.

Three indicators of program success include: the percentage of students finishing the program within five years*, the percentage of graduates finding employment within the profession, and Sonoran University cohort default rate on federal loans. These outcome measures are reported below.

*Completion data has not been compiled for the five-year ND program initiated in 2014. Data will be made available in Summer of 2019.

Program Completion Rate
The ND program is 15 quarters long, or four calendar years (4 year ND program) or 19 quarters, or five calendar years (5 year ND program). Approximately 92 percent of students who graduated in the last three years completed the program within the expected four calendar years. For aggregate graduation rates, please go to the Enrollment/Graduation Rates section above.

Employment Rates of Graduates within One Year of Graduation

A second outcome measure is how readily graduates are employed. According to student report over the past three years, 81 percent of our graduates were employed in the profession within one year of graduation. For the aggregate employment rates, please go to the Employment Data.

Cohort Default Rates
A third outcome measure is cohort default rates.

The U.S. Department of Education releases 3-year cohort default rates once per year. The cohort default rate identifies students who received loans under the William D. Ford Federal Direct loan program during the federal fiscal year (October 1-September 30). The CDR calculates a percentage of Sonoran’s borrowers who enter repayment and default on one or more of their federal student loans within a specific time frame. The chart below identifies Sonoran’s 3 year cohort default rate. Please contact Sonoran’s Financial Aid Office with questions regarding these rates.

Sonoran University Cohort Default Rates


In 2005, congress passed a law brought forward by Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV), one of the Senate’s leading constitutional experts. This law requires all educational institutions receiving federal funds, as well as federal agencies, to hold programming on the Constitution every September 17. In addition, the federal government is required to provide new employees with educational material about the Constitution. Senator Byrd, who keeps a copy of the Constitution in his pocket, told his colleagues, “Some events define and shape history…moving the world onto a new path. On September 17, 1787, just such an event occurred when the Constitution of the United States was signed.”

This Sonoran University webpage is designed to provide Sonoran University students, faculty and staff with information and educational resources on the U.S. Constitution. Students are encouraged to engage in dialogue on the various Sonoran intranet forums to discuss the Constitution and how this important document impact our lives even today.

The Continental Congress and the U.S. Constitution

Between 1774 and 1789, thirteen colonies became a nation – the United States of America. In 1774, Great Britain’s North American colonies first came together to defend themselves against wrongs committed by Great Britain. By 1789, these colonies had become independent states, joined by a new federal constitution into a single nation.

The Continental Congress (1774-1789) began as a coordinated effort to resist the British. The Congress assembled representatives from every colony. With the outbreak of the Revolutionary War, the Congress became the central institution for managing the struggle for American independence.

Independence raised new issues. How could thirteen separate self-governed states unite? What form would that union take? The Articles of Confederation (1781-1789) were America’s first attempt to govern itself as an independent nation. They united the states as a confederation – a loose league of states represented in a Congress.

In 1783, with the war formally drawing to a close, the Congress faced a wider range of issues: the disbanding of the Continental Army, the large debts owed by each state, foreign debts owed by the Confederation, the governing of territories won from the British, and the establishment of formal relationships with foreign countries.

Many Americans saw the need for a more powerful central authority; the Congress as defined by the Articles of Confederation was too weak to make the states obey congressional mandates. Despite the Congress’s continued attempts to improve its effectiveness, Americans were anxious for change. In 1786, leading statesmen called for a special convention to revise the Articles — the Constitutional Convention.

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 proposed a new constitution establishing a much stronger national government. Although this controversial new Constitution provoked a great deal of resistance, it was eventually ratified by the necessary number of states, replacing the Articles of Confederation as the framework of the United States government.

Debate and compromise, controversy and tedious detail, foreign affairs and domestic problems, are all included in the 267 documents of the Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention Broadside Collections. Including public announcements of congressional actions, drafts of legislation, committee reports, and final versions of legislation or treaties, these broadsides illustrate the evolution of a government, from a legislative body called together in the crisis of war, to an intricate system of checks and balances. These documents show the birth of the American nation.

Taken from the National Archives website on the U.S. Constitution.

Read the U.S. Constitution here.

How does the U.S. Constitution Impact You as a Student?

The Constitution, forged by the founding fathers over two hundred years ago, still has an affect on our day to day lives. You may be amazed by the number of ways that the U.S. Constitution and the bill of rights impacts your rights as a student. Important rights such as due process, freedom of speech, freedom of association, to name a few are all protected under the U.S. Constitution.

Student life aspects that relate to the Constitution include freedom of association, free speech on campus, student fees, educational malpractice and contracts to name a few. Many rights enjoyed by college students can be trace back to the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Right to assemble, for example, is protected by the first amendment of the Constitution. The first amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Right to assemble is what allows students at Sonoran University to organize and gain membership in the Student Government Association. The association represents the interests of the student body, acting as a liaison between administration, faculty and students.

Right to due process, for example, is protected by the fifth amendment of the constitution. The fifth amendment states, “…nor shall any person…be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” The Student Handbook outlines several processes for due process, including Review by College Hearing Board, Code of Conduct, and Student Rights.

Important Links to learn more about the U.S. Constitution:

Library of Congress

National Archives

You may register to vote if you are a U.S. citizen and will be 18 by Election Day.  Once you register you may vote in national, state or local elections.

Arizona residents – click here to register to vote online
Residents of other US territories or states  – click here to register to vote

For out-of-state* students taking a distance education course through Sonoran University who reside in SARA states, the Arizona SARA Council has jurisdiction over Arizona SARA-participating institutions including Sonoran in relation to non-instructional complaints. Instructional complaints, such as grade grievances, are not reviewed by the Arizona SARA Council and should not be submitted for review. Prior to registering a non-instructional complaint with the Arizona SARA Council, the student/complainant must first complete Sonoran’s Grievance Process. If the complaint is not resolved through Sonoran’s process, the student/complainant should submit their complaint to the Arizona State Board of Private Post-Secondary Education’s Complaint Procedure.

If the non-instructional complaint has not been resolved through the complaint processes of either Sonoran University or the Arizona State Board of Private Post-Secondary Education, the complaint may be submitted to AZ-SARA via Complaints must be submitted within two years of the incident.

*Students of Sonoran University residing in California can file financial or academic complaints online at or call toll-free (833) 942-1120

Sonoran University welcomes transfer students from other accredited institutions. Students entering Sonoran University who have completed coursework or have graduated from an accredited professional school or graduate-level program may apply for transfer credit evaluation. The awarding of transfer credit(s) is determined on an individual basis depending on academic standing, the type of program, degree, depth of course content, and courses completed. Coursework completed more than seven (7) years prior to matriculation at Sonoran University requires the applicant to pass a competency examination with appropriate fees. The Registrar’s Office, in conjunction with Sonoran University faculty, the respective program dean, and the Vice President of Academic Affairs, makes determinations of acceptable transfer credits. Transfer credit will not be considered after matriculation and is not subject to appeal. Transfer credits are counted toward the total hours required for graduation but are not counted toward the GPA. Transfer students are required to fulfill the same number of credits required in their program of study as outlined in the catalog. Transfer status does not imply or guarantee that a student will graduate in less time than the student’s prescribed program of study. Transfer students must complete their program in the time determined during the transfer evaluation and in accordance with the number of credits transferred (see Satisfactory Academic Progress for prescribed program of study).


Eligible Coursework

Only graduate–level coursework completed prior to matriculation at Sonoran University will be eligible for transfer credit, except for approved coursework taken while dual-enrolled at one of our partner institutions (enrolled in the ND program and at Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture (PIHMA) or the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health (MEZCOPH) at the University of Arizona (see Program Partnerships).


Transfer Applicants/Transferring Credit

Click for Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) program

Click for Master’s of Science in Nutrition (MS) programs


Transfer Credit Requests

Transfer credit is determined during the admissions process. Admitted students seeking transfer credit must complete the Transfer Credit Evaluation Acknowledgement form and pay the non-refundable Transfer Evaluation Fee a minimum of ten weeks prior to matriculation. The Transfer Credit Evaluation Acknowledgement form is sent to all admitted students upon admission to their program. All admission and transfer fees can be paid directly on the Sonoran University Admissions portal. The fee and the transfer credit evaluation results are valid for one academic year. Admitted students must request and submit transcripts from all prior institutions, including military training transcripts for veterans, traditional college coursework, and vocational training.

Enrollment Dates

Transfer students may matriculate at the beginning of the Fall or Spring quarters.

Transfer applicants studying in the U.S. on a visa must work with the institution they are transferring from to transfer their student visa to Sonoran University.

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