When you become a student, you and your classmates elect a class representative to serve for a one-year term on the Student Government Association. Members of the SGA meet regularly with administration to discuss issues and concerns related to college operations and academics.
One member of the SGA also serves on Sonoran University’s Board of Trustees and various college committees and task forces. Very few academic institutions in the nation have a student representative as part of their board. Here at Sonoran University, we recognize that students are the largest part of the University community and we value the representation of our student body’s voice in the executive decision-making process.
Interested in joining SGA? Not only will you be able to develop a variety of practical and transferable skills such as time management, how to run a meeting, budget management and event planning, SGA is also an excellent way to connect with students outside of one’s class. Many of these relationships will extend into the future as fellow professionals and colleagues. Other benefits include:
SGA is committed to representing and serving you. The decisions made within SGA have a significant impact on Sonoran University policy and issues that affect current as well as future students. Take advantage of the many resources and opportunities available to you here—the Sonoran University experience provides many opportunities for you to connect academically, socially and culturally.
ND Program Current Class Presidents